A 3D game built with C and SDL2, powered by raycasting.
Watch the game in action on YouTube!Use the number keys 1 and 3 to quickly switch between your weapons.
Hit 'R' to turn the rain on or off.
Tap 'M' to reveal the map.
Fuelled by curiosity about game mechanics and inspired by the Maze Project concept page - a material from the ALX Africa / Holberton Software Engineering program -, I took the opportunity to dive into game development with this MVP project. It allowed me to explore and gain hands-on experience in the exciting world of game creation.
I'm currently enrolled in the ALX Africa / Holberton Software Engineering program, and this is my portfolio project for the foundation phase.I'm eager to collaborate with others and advancing both my skills and toolkit.
Take a look at the project repo, and to discover more about me, watch this video.